
APRIL 27TH 2023…

As a matter of fact, the PreCrim Project has come to its end,

having delivered all the expected outputs.

Due to the pandemics, some of the plans had to be changed,

but the group stayed on track.

Two international conferences, one book,

a successful training course for Italian judiciary,

an exciting residential moot court for undergraduate students, from five different Universities,

along with other materials, available on this website,

and many new interesting ideas are the main results of the PreCrim Project.

We are grateful to the EU Commission for the support to this network, that engaged in the effort of spreading the European culture of fundamental rights

and the value of actively preventing crime.

This website will continue to offer news and information about the follow-up of this research.

See you soon in Europe!

About PreCrim Project…

This EU funded project is being conducted by a group of scholars, mainly from four European academic Institutions, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Faculdade de Dereito da Universidade do Porto, Universität Mannheim, University of Ljubljana, in order to confront different national regulations of preventive measures with the EU instruments, with a specific focus on the compliance with fundamental rights. In addition to the academic participants, professionals in the judiciary are part of the research group, to offer their every-day experience with the application of preventive measures and with the shortcomings of mutual legal assistance, especially with regard to no-conviction based confiscation.

 News & events



Lecture room 109




As part of the project’s program, the PreCrim group has organized this first edition, in Italian, of a traning course for judiciary, in cooperation with Scuola Superiore della Magistratura (decentralized branch , Court of Appeal of Torino) , which is the institution in charge of providing life-long training for Italian judiciary. PreCrim really appreciates the cooperation by the local branch of SSM, and the assistance offered by dr. Ivana Peila.

The training course will consist of three workshops, approaching different aspects of preventive measures, the core topic of the PreCrim project. The panelists are practitioners for several areas of law: high rank judiciary and police officers, lawyers and distinguished academics. 

This EU funded project is being conducted by a group of scholars, mainly from four European academic Institutions, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Faculdade de Dereito da Universidade do Porto, Universität Mannheim, University of Ljubljana, in order to confront different national regulations of preventive measures with the EU instruments, with a specific focus on the compliance with fundamental rights

Assets confiscation and prevention of crime in Europe.

An overview upon the EU and domestic legislations

International (ON LINE) workshop for junior scholars/young researchers/Ph.D. students

28th January 2022

Due to the persistence of pandemic, the original project’s agenda will be rescheduled. Some of the events cannot be in presence and they will be delayed. While waiting for the end of the international emergency, the other activity, such as seminars, conferences and dissemination of information will be regularly performed and advertised through this website. Materials and official documents will be uploaded to enhance awareness and comprehension of the topic of measures preventing crimes.